Welcome to the spoon of goodness. Come and experience the world of food where it is not a fashion statement but an essential!
Food… is it that important? Why would anyone have a blog, cooking channels, recipe books, cooking classes or even degree courses related to cooking? For most, food is just an appetite regulator. But when we look into the bigger picture, it is the basic need without which one can’t exist. Be it celebration or meeting or discussion or mourning; food is essential. Everything revolves around food. One can without luxuries but not without food. So it’s the essential backbone that keeps everyone driving towards their goal.
There has been a lot of advancements in foods and recipes starting from the historic age. From eating raw hunted foods to cooked foods and then to preserved and processed ones, the advancements have been very huge. This initiative is to bring back the custom of having ‘food for health’, where once our tradition celebrated food as medicine. So let’s bring some light to the age old tradition and keep our health safe and sound.
Family plays a very important role in food. As the saying goes, “Family that eats together, stays together”, depicts the importance of relationship in whole. Until recent decades the practice was being followed in most of the homes, where family sits together for breakfast or dinner away from mobile and TV and each share the days agenda, activities, problems, fears, interests, fun, humour and almost everything revolves around the table. That bonding is psychological and emotional security! At the end of the day, it’s the FOOD, which brings people together.
The role of a mother or a homemaker is not an easy job as they say. The full nutrition of the family, dietary requirements, balanced meals, essential needs, food supplements etc. is being taken care of by this most important person. Only if the meal is proper and healthy can obesity, juvenile diabetes and all young age related disorders be kept under control.
Whatever aspiration the children have, the health and nutrition to achieve those is fuelled by the dietician in the family whom we call as the homemaker. So a proper food practice carves a proper generation.
This blog intends to bring back our healthy cooking recipes back to our modern kitchen. Healthy diet carves a healthy family.
Fell free to share your comments and ideas.
Happy Cooking!!