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Beetroot Juice
Beetroot is high in vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber, helps absorption of iron (since rich in vit c), keeps blood pressure in check, improves digestive health, facilitates weight loss, detoxifier and also an antioxidant. Beetroot is one of the healthiest vegetables to make juice from. It is low in calories and gives the needed nutrients and energy boost. Also beetroot with carrot is a healthy and natural way of increasing iron and may reduce the risk of anaemia. Beetroot juice is a healthy way of consuming beetroot in raw form, as cooking may destroy the nutrients.Beetroot is one of the commonly ignored vegetables, but its nutrient chart will make you reconsider that.
- 1 Beetroot (small)
- 1 Carrot (Medium to big sized)
- 3 tbsp Coconut
- 1 tbsp Jaggery
- ½ tsp Cardamom powder
- ½ tsp Dry Ginger Powder
- Wash and roughly chop carrot and beetroot. Add the chopped carrot, beetroot, 3 tbsp coconut, 1 tbsp jaggery, ½ tsp of cardamom and dry ginger powder in a blender. Grind it in a mixie for a minute, add 2 cups of water and grind until it is liquefied.
- Filter the grinded juice in a strainer for a smoother texture.
- Enjoy healthy juice at home.. Modify according to your palate by adding more fruits.